You can access a wide range of resources for educators in Virginia on #GoOpenVA. Search across multiple subjects, education levels, and by education standards for course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests, and software. Each of these resources are associated with certain characteristics (organized into database “fields”) when they are uploaded—what grade level do they address, what type of resource is it, who is the Provider, etc.  You can search by any of these characteristics that suit your needs, using either the quick search from the main page (and then refining the search results if needed) or using the Advanced Search.

Searching from the main page

You can search using one or more of the search fields on the Homepage. Once you’ve made your selections, and/or entered some keywords, hit the gold Search button or press the Enter/Return key on your keyboard.

You can use any or all of the 4 search fields on the main #GoOpenVA page (using more than one will narrow your search results). If you want to find things by using other fields, you can click directly on Advanced Search to go to a more robust search menu.

  • In the “What are you looking for?” box, enter one or more keywords or search phrases. Separate multiple keywords by commas.
  • For a specific Subject (content area), click the down arrow in the Subject field to see the list of subjects.
  • To find resources for just a specific education level (not specific grade levels—you can use Advanced Search if you need those), click the down arrow in the Education Level field to see the list of levels.
  • To narrow your search just to one Virginia Standard of Learning content area (you can also use the Advanced Search to find resources aligned to one specific standard), click the down arrow in the Standard field to see the list of standards.

Once you have your search results, you can refine your search using various filters.

NOTE: The search engine will search various selected parts of a resource for keywords, but not the main resource itself. All contributors are encouraged to include enough information in their Description of the resource that it can be found using a keyword search.

Tags, which are helpful for organizing and finding resources, are added by the person who adds the resource. These will also be searched when using a keyword for searching. To be helpful, you also can add Tags to any resource (especially if you found it difficult to search out).  At the bottom of the resource main page, you will find a list of the Tags already assigned to this resource (#20 on the diagram below) and will note a text box (#21) for entering a new Tag.