Please note that this article reflects our interim analytics solution while we continue to develop self-service analytics dashboards on the platform.

What is our analytics process?

We use Matomo, an open source web analytics tool, and Looker Studio, a data visualization and dashboard tool from Google, to provide analytics reports for our Hubs and Microsites. 

Accessing reports

  • Microsite adminsyou will be granted view mode access to Looker Studio to adjust the reporting time range and download your report.
  • Hub adminsin order to receive your report please contact your Partner Success Manager with the desired reporting date range. They will be able to provide you with reports on an ad hoc basis or schedule reports for delivery. 
    • Reports are available in PDF format but the raw data can also be provided to you in CSV or Google Sheets upon request. 

Report types available

Hub analytics

There are 2 reports available – “Behavior Overview” and “Hub and Group Engagement”:

Behavior Overview

There are 3 high level themes and 5 charts in this report:

  • Overview of your user behaviors
  • What do users see when they are on your website?
    • Which pages are the most popular?
    • What are users doing on your site?
  • Where do your users come from?
    • Visits by City
    • Visits by Acquisition Channel

Hub and Group Engagement

There are 2 charts in this tab:

  • Engagement by Group Members
  • Engagement by Hub Members

Microsite analytics 

Generally there are 2 high level themes available in the Behavior Overview report:

  • Overview of your user behaviors
  • What do users see when they are in your website?
    • Which page is the most popular?
    • Most popular pages with title breakdown
    • What are users doing on your site?

Key terms and metrics

PageviewsPageviewsThe number of times a page has been viewed. All visits, including repeat views within the span of a visit are counted.

Pageviews are what you want to look at to understand the overall number of times users have viewed a specific page.

Unique PageviewsCount of unique views for a specific page. A unique view means that it’s the first time a user has viewed the page. Repeat visits are not counted.

Visits to the platform, synonymous with "Sessions." A user might view a single page multiple times in a session, so this is a measurement of overall visits to the platform. A single page that is viewed one or more times at any time during a visit (session) will accrue one new visit count.

New Visits

A user who has not visited the platform/site before.

Returning Visits

A user who has visited the platform/site before. This is tracked via cookies, so is not a precise measurement, but trends over time provide a good sense of average interaction patterns.

Page titleTitles of the pages users interacted with.
EventsTotal Events

Total Count of Event Actions. This counts repeated actions users take within a single visit. 

Unique EventsCount of Unique Events. This counts only 1 event action per user per session.
Event ActionsA specific action that an end-user takes on a page.
SessionsEngaged SessionsA session that lasts longer than 10 seconds, has key events, or has at least 2 pageviews or screenviews.
Event Categories and Associated ActionsResource InteractionsSpecific ways users may engage with individual learning resources:

Overview Courseware

View Resource 

Save to My Items

Save to Group

Site SearchCount of the number of times users conducted searches:

Counts of specific search terms
DownloadsCount of any kind of resource downloads:

Counts of specific file types downloaded
HubsPageview Counts that include views of all pages related to a hub:

Counts of pageviews for hub landing page, collections, groups etc.  

Count of the numbers of times users logged in. Counts multiple logins from single users:

Counts of login methods used (Username/Password, SAML, LTI)

RegistrationCounts of new user registrations.
CreateCounts of events in which users submit or publish resources:

Counts of Lesson Builder Publication Events (resource created in Open Author 2.0)

Counts of External Resource Submissions (via the Submit from Web form)
Acquisition Channel Types

Search Engines

Direct Entry


Social Networks


Bounce ratePercentage of users that leave a page without interacting with the page or navigating to a new page.

Overall Bounce Rate for your hub or microsite is the percentage of users who landed on any page associated with your hub or microsite and left without further interaction.
Landing pageThe page a user enters the platform on.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between “Search” and “Site search” in my report?

“Search” being treated as a separate Event Category as “Site Search” is a bug with Matomo that will be addressed with forthcoming platform dashboards. For the time being please combine the Event counts of "Site Search" and "Search."


How far back is reporting available?

  • Google Analytics: pre-2023 (archived data is available upon request)

  • Matomo: 2023 and later

Can hub partners have the raw data from their report? 

Yes. Reports are available in PDF format but the raw data can also be provided to you in CSV or Google Sheets upon request.