Not only can you perform keyword searches on #GoOpenVA, you can also go directly to curated Collections of resources that have been selected for their quality and content.

The Collections on #GoOpenVA have been developed by approved groups and organizations to help you locate resources they have reviewed and approved.  The Collections are built around topics or institutions.

Explore our Collections.

Browse collection content

  1. Click the Discover drop-down menu in the top menu bar.
  2. Choose Collections.
  3. Select any of the Collections.  You will be sent to a search results page with only those items from the Collection listed.
  4. From the search results page, you can refine your results further by using the filters on the left side (NOTE: The available options under each filter on search results pages are not always the same; these change depending on the resources in the original search.  For instance, if your original search provided results that did not include any resources for high school, you will not find that option listed under “Education Level”)